Publications 2015

Alleno, E.; Bérardan, D.; Byl, C.; Candolfi, C.; Daou, R.; Decourt, R.; Guilmeau, E.; Hébert, S.; Hejtmanek, J.; Lenoir, B.; et al. Invited article: a round robin test of the uncertainty on the measurement of the thermoelectric dimensionless figure of merit of Co0.97Ni0.03Sb3. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2015, 86 (1), 11301 (9 pp.).
Detailed Record
Atakli, Z. Ö. K.; Callini, E.; Kato, S.; Mauron, P.; Orimo, S. I.; Züttel, A. The catalyzed hydrogen sorption mechanism in alkali alanates. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2015, 17 (32), 20932-20940.
Detailed Record
Bonk, A.; Maier, A. C.; Schlupp, M. V. F.; Burnat, D.; Remhof, A.; Delmelle, R.; Steinfeld, A.; Vogt, U. F. The effect of dopants on the redox performance, microstructure and phase formation of ceria. J. Power Sources 2015, 300, 261-271.
Detailed Record
Burnat, D.; Schlupp, M.; Wichser, A.; Lothenbach, B.; Gorbar, M.; Züttel, A.; Vogt, U. F. Composite membranes for alkaline electrolysis based on polysulfone and mineral fillers. J. Power Sources 2015, 291, 163-172.
Detailed Record
Callini, E.; Kato, S.; Mauron, P.; Züttel, A. Surface reactions are crucial for energy storage. Chimia 2015, 69 (5), 269-273.
Detailed Record
Chiarello, G. L.; Ferri, D. Modulated excitation extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2015, 17 (16), 10579-10591.
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Crespo-Quesada, M.; Yoon, S.; Jin, M.; Prestianni, A.; Cortese, R.; Cárdenas-Lizana, F.; Duca, D.; Weidenkaff, A.; Kiwi-Minsker, L. Shape-dependence of Pd nanocrystal carburization during acetylene hydrogenation. J. Phys. Chem. C 2015, 119 (2), 1101-1107.
Detailed Record
Cuervo-Reyes, E.; Scheller, C. P.; Held, M.; Sennhauser, U. A unifying view of the constant-phase-element and its role as an aging indicator for Li-Ion batteries. J. Electrochem. Soc. 2015, 162 (8), A1585-A1591.
Detailed Record
Eilertsen, J.; Surace, Y.; Balog, S.; Sagarna, L.; Rogl, G.; Horky, J.; Trottmann, M.; Rogl, P.; Subramanian, M. A.; Weidenkaff, A. From occupied voids to nanoprecipitates: synthesis of skutterudite nanocomposites in situ. Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2015, 641 (8-9), 1495-1502.
Detailed Record
Fu, F.; Kranz, L.; Yoon, S.; Löckinger, J.; Jäger, T.; Perrenoud, J.; Feurer, T.; Gretener, C.; Bücheler, S.; Tiwari, A. N. Controlled growth of PbI2 nanoplates for rapid preparation of CH3NH3PbI3 in planar perovskite solar cells. Phys. Status Solidi A 2015, 212 (12), 2708-2717.
Detailed Record
Ghazi Wakili, K.; Hugi, E.; Karvonen, L.; Schnewlin, P.; Winnefeld, F. Thermal behaviour of autoclaved aerated concrete exposed to fire. Cem. Concr. Compos. 2015, 62, 52-58.
Detailed Record
Hosseini, D.; Imtiaz, Q.; Abdala, P. M.; Yoon, S.; Kierzkowska, A. M.; Weidenkaff, A.; Müller, C. R. CuO promoted Mn2O3-based materials for solid fuel combustion with inherent CO2 capture. J. Mater. Chem. A 2015, 3 (19), 10545-10550.
Detailed Record
Howald, L.; Stilp, E.; Dalmas de Réotier, P.; Yaouanc, A.; Raymond, S.; Piamonteze, C.; Lapertot, G.; Baines, C.; Keller, H. Evidence for coexistence of bulk superconductivity and itinerant antiferromagnetism in the heavy fermion system CeCo(In1−xCdx)5. Sci. Rep. 2015, 5, 12528 (15 pp.).
Detailed Record
Ikeda, M.; Tomeš, P.; Prochaska, L.; Eilertsen, J.; Populoh, S.; Löffler, S.; Svagera, R.; Waas, M.; Sassik, H.; Weidenkaff, A.; et al. Multiband transport in CoSb3 prepared by rapid solidification. Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2015, 641 (11), 2020-2028.
Detailed Record
Kambolis, A.; Ferri, D.; Lu, Y.; Yannopoulos, S. N.; Pokrant, S.; Rentsch, D.; Kröcher, O. Structural modification of Ni/γ-Al2O3 with boron for enhanced carbon resistance during CO methanation. ChemCatChem 2015, 7 (20), 3261-3265.
Detailed Record
Kovalevsky, A. V.; Populoh, S.; Patrício, S. G.; Thiel, P.; Ferro, M. C.; Fagg, D. P.; Frade, J. R.; Weidenkaff, A. Design of SrTiO3-based thermoelectrics by tungsten substitution. J. Phys. Chem. C 2015, 119 (9), 4466-4478.
Detailed Record
Kuc, J.; Zhang, Y.; Erni, R.; Yoon, S.; Karvonen, L.; Weidenkaff, A.; Matam, S. K. Composition dependent self-regenerative property of perovskite-type oxides. Phys. Status Solidi Rapid Res. Lett. 2015, 9 (5), 282-287.
Detailed Record
Kuc, J.; Matam, S. K.; Neumann, M.; Yoon, S.; Thiel, P.; Armbrüster, M.; Weidenkaff, A. Methanol steam reforming on LaCo1−xyPdxZnyOδ. Catal. Today 2015, 258, 256-261.
Detailed Record
Kuc, J.; Weidenkaff, A.; Matam, S. K. Methanol steam reforming on perovskite-type oxides LaCo1−x−yPdxZnyO3±δ: effect of Pd/Zn on CO2 selectivity. Top. Catal. 2015, 58 (14), 905-909.
Detailed Record
Lafi, A. Ahadi F.; Matam, S. K.; Hodali, H. A. New synthesis of ZSM-5 from high-silica kaolinite and its use in vapor-phase conversion of 1-phenylethanol to styrene. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015, 54 (15), 3754-3760.
Detailed Record
Landsmann, S.; Maegli, A. E.; Trottmann, M.; Battaglia, C.; Weidenkaff, A.; Pokrant, S. Design guidelines for high-performance particle-based photoanodes for water splitting: lanthanum titanium oxynitride as a model. ChemSusChem 2015, 8 (20), 3451-3458.
Detailed Record
Lee, M. T.; Brown, M. A.; Kato, S.; Kleibert, A.; Türler, A.; Ammann, M. Competition between organics and bromide at the aqueous solution-air interface as seen from ozone uptake kinetics and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. A 2015, 119 (19), 4600-4608.
Detailed Record
Lu, Y.; Keav, S.; Maegli, A. E.; Weidenkaff, A.; Ferri, D. Pd loading and structure of flame-made Pd/YFeO3±δ. Top. Catal. 2015, 58 (14-17), 910-918.
Detailed Record
Mariotti, N.; Didiot, C.; Schwier, E. F.; Monney, C.; Battaglia, C.; Aebi, P. Quasi one-dimensional Ag nanostructures on Si(331)–(12 × 1). Surf. Sci. 2015, 639, 39-42.
Detailed Record
Mauron, P.; Gaboardi, M.; Pontiroli, D.; Remhof, A.; Riccò, M.; Züttel, A. Hydrogen desorption kinetics in metal intercalated fullerides. J. Phys. Chem. C 2015, 119 (4), 1714-1719.
Detailed Record
Michalow-Mauke, K. A.; Lu, Y.; Kowalski, K.; Graule, T.; Nachtegaal, M.; Kröcher, O.; Ferri, D. Flame-made WO3/CeOx-TiO2 catalysts for selective catalytic reduction of NOx by NH3. ACS Catal. 2015, 5 (10), 5657-5672.
Detailed Record
Michalow-Mauke, K. A.; Lu, Y.; Ferri, D.; Graule, T.; Kowalski, K.; Elsener, M.; Kröcher, O. WO3/CeO2/TiO2 catalysts for selective catalytic reduction of NOx by NH3: effect of the synthesis method. Chimia 2015, 69 (4), 220-224.
Detailed Record
Nadargi, D.; Gurav, J.; Marioni, M. A.; Romer, S.; Matam, S.; Koebel, M. M. Methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMS)-based silica–iron oxide superhydrophobic nanocomposites. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2015, 459, 123-126.
Detailed Record
Populoh, S.; Brunko, O.; Karvonen, L.; Sagarna, L.; Saucke, G.; Thiel, P.; Trottmann, M.; Vogel-Schäuble, N.; Weidenkaff, A. Perovskite and related oxides for energy harvesting by thermoelectricity. In Perovskites and related mixed oxides: concepts and applications; Granger, P., Parvulescu, V. I., Kaliaguine, S., Prellier, W., Eds.; Wiley, 2015; pp 189-210.
Detailed Record
Rothensteiner, M.; Sala, S.; Bonk, A.; Vogt, U.; Emerich, H.; van Bokhoven, J. A. Ce K edge XAS of ceria-based redox materials under realistic conditions for the two-step solar thermochemical dissociation of water and/or CO2. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2015, 17 (40), 26988-26996.
Detailed Record
Saleem, M.; Song, J. S.; Jeong, S. J.; Kim, M. S.; Yoon, S.; Kim, I. S. Dielectric response on microwave sintered BaTiO3 composite with Ni nanopowder and paste. Mater. Res. Bull. 2015, 64, 380-385.
Detailed Record
Saucke, G.; Populoh, S.; Thiel, P.; Xie, W.; Funahashi, R.; Weidenkaff, A. Compatibility approach for the improvement of oxide thermoelectric converters for industrial heat recovery applications. J. Appl. Phys. 2015, 118 (3), 035106 (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Simões, M.; Surace, Y.; Yoon, S.; Battaglia, C.; Pokrant, S.; Weidenkaff, A. Hydrothermal vanadium manganese oxides: anode and cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. J. Power Sources 2015, 291, 66-74.
Detailed Record
Spodaryk, M.; Shcherbakova, L.; Sameljuk, A.; Wichser, A.; Zakaznova-Herzog, V.; Holzer, M.; Braem, B.; Khyzhun, O.; Mauron, P.; Remhof, A.; et al. Description of the capacity degradation mechanism in LaNi5-based alloy electrodes. J. Alloys Compd. 2015, 621, 225-231.
Detailed Record
Stender, D.; Schäuble, N.; Weidenkaff, A.; Montagne, A.; Ghisleni, R.; Michler, J.; Schneider, C. W.; Wokaun, A.; Lippert, T. Dense zig-zag microstructures in YSZ thin films by pulsed laser deposition. APL Mater. 2015, 3 (1), 016104 (7 pp.).
Detailed Record
Surace, Y.; Simões, M.; Karvonen, L.; Battaglia, C.; Pokrant, S.; Weidenkaff, A. Activation of nano-Ca2MnO4 for electrochemical lithium intercalation. In Symposium SS/TT – fabrication and properties of oxide thin films, nanostructures and interfaces for advanced applications, presented at the 2015 MRS spring meeting, San Francisco, California, April 6–10, 2015; Augustynski, J., Grosse, F., Kumar, D., Sanchez, F., Santato, C., Sun, X. W., Vomiero, A., Yamamoto, T., Eds.; Materials research society symposium proceedings; Materials Research Society: Warrendale, Pennsylvania, 2015; Vol. 1805, pp mrss15-2133233 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Surace, Y.; Simões, M.; Karvonen, L.; Yoon, S.; Pokrant, S.; Weidenkaff, A. Freeze drying synthesis of Li3MnO4 cathode material for Li-ion batteries: A physico-electrochemical study. J. Alloys Compd. 2015, 644, 297-303.
Detailed Record
Thiel, P.; Populoh, S.; Yoon, S.; Saucke, G.; Rubenis, K.; Weidenkaff, A. Charge-carrier hopping in highly conductive CaMn1−xMxO3−δ thermoelectrics. J. Phys. Chem. C 2015, 119 (38), 21860-21867.
Detailed Record
Thiel, P.; Populoh, S.; Yoon, S.; Weidenkaff, A. Enhancement of redox- and phase-stability of thermoelectric CaMnO3−δ by substitution. J. Solid State Chem. 2015, 229, 62-67.
Detailed Record
Uhl, A. R.; Fuchs, P.; Rieger, A.; Pianezzi, F.; Sutter-Fella, C. M.; Kranz, L.; Keller, D.; Hagendorfer, H.; Romanyuk, Y. E.; LaMattina, F.; et al. Liquid-selenium-enhanced grain growth of nanoparticle precursor layers for CuInSe2 solar cell absorbers. Prog. Photovolt. 2015, 23 (9), 1110-1119.
Detailed Record
Villa, A.; Ferri, D.; Campisi, S.; Chan-Thaw, C. E.; Lu, Y.; Kröcher, O.; Prati, L. Operando attenuated total reflectance FTIR spectroscopy: studies on the different selectivity observed in benzyl alcohol oxidation. ChemCatChem 2015, 7 (16), 2534-2541.
Detailed Record
Yan, Y.; Remhof, A.; Rentsch, D.; Züttel, A.; Giri, S.; Jena, P. A novel strategy for reversible hydrogen storage in Ca(BH4)2. Chem. Commun. 2015, 51 (55), 11008-11011.
Detailed Record
Yaremchenko, A. A.; Populoh, S.; Patrício, S. G.; Macías, J.; Thiel, P.; Fagg, D. P.; Weidenkaff, A.; Frade, J. R.; Kovalevsky, A. V. Boosting thermoelectric performance by controlled defect chemistry engineering in ta-substituted strontium titanate. Chem. Mater. 2015, 27 (14), 4995-5006.
Detailed Record
Yoon, S.; Bierwagen, J.; Trottmann, M.; Walfort, B.; Gartmann, N.; Weidenkaff, A.; Hagemann, H.; Pokrant, S. The influence of boric acid on improved persistent luminescence and thermal oxidation resistance of SrAl2O4:Eu2+. J. Lumin. 2015, 167, 126-131.
Detailed Record
Zhao, S.; Jiang, B.; Maeder, T.; Muralt, P.; Kim, N.; Matam, S. K.; Jeong, E.; Han, Y. L.; Koebel, M. M. Dimensional and structural control of silica aerogel membranes for miniaturized motionless gas pumps. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7 (33), 18803-18814.
Detailed Record
Züttel, A.; Callini, E.; Kato, S.; Atakli, Z. Ö. K. Storing renewable energy in the hydrogen cycle. Chimia 2015, 69 (12), 741-745.
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Daniela Isler-Schmid
Administrative Assistant

Telefon: +41 58 765 4871